Without having set foot to pedal yet, I learned that my bike did make it to Anacortes, but that the rear wheel was damaged. So I'm buying a new wheel, which is being installed when the bike shop there re-assembles the bike. The guy's scientific diagnosis: "Looks like somebody dropped something on your bike box." UPS will be hearing from me.
Even so, I can't wait to get my stuff and myself out there to start biking. Before leaving, tomorrow night will be Commencement for Salem Academy Charter School. For those of you who have contributed to my scholarship efforts, I just want you to know that you should feel proud of your investment in three students, all of whom "show promise of success in college, and have demonstrated perseverance in life's challenges." I couldn't be more pleased with the students who were selected by teachers and staff to receive these awards. I'm also glad to let you know that I will be cycling at a rate of $2.13 per mile for these scholarships, once all of the expected gifts are received and logged in. Of course, it's never to late to consider a gift, and we're already adding to the Navigator Fund for next year.
Enough about that for now!
Time to finish packing.
Lynn (alias The Biker Chick)